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  • Maynie Lee

Week 12: poster submission

Updated: Apr 11, 2022

Heyy everybodyyy!! Just want to start my post by saying well done on your poster design!! I saw most of them through insta story and they all look amazing!! Continue the great work until the end of this monthhh!

Poster design

Painting on a A1 size canvas is such a painnnn!! Saving and exporting took ages! At one point my photoshop kept saying my RAM is full and I can't add any new layers or save my file! So I end up painting on a different file and then copy paste it in my actual file.

This is one of my reference for my poster, I love the colours in this picture, colourful but not overwhelming!

This part took my daysss to finish! At first I thought it looks a little too clustered but after looking at it through the school computer it looks just right!

And now I present youu.....

My final rendered Petite Dreams!!

I'm actually proud of myself to eyeball how a iridescent petals will look like! Honestly painting this already took me so long, I still need to render frame by frame for my final animation, its okay I will cry later :')

Final poster design

Ehehehehe this is my final posterrr!! I don't know if its just me or what but there is colour difference where ever I look at my poster, saturated from computer but desaturated from my phone! I hope whoever is marking my work is looking through their computer instead ehehe! So much purple in my work I LUV ITT!

Okayy that's all for todayy! I am updating this blog at 4am and I can't compose my sentence well when I am tired so forgive me for any grammar mistake or weird sentences! BYEEE~~


4 comentarios

06 abr 2022

Whoa!!! I came here expecting to see the final poster but what I got back it's beyond my expectations, My jaw literally dropped... there's only praises from me to you Maynie! 2D posters look amazing compare to our 3D works (No offence to my current 3D classmates), I will go and have a look at 2Ds I guess... Now that you mentioned it colouring this in a A1size canvas must've been a huge pain!!! More Praise to you!!! All the best throughout your animation, can't wait to see it! - Ezekiel

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05 abr 2022

heyy maynieee! Im looking at your poster on the computer!! AND IT LOOKS GREAT! I really like how magical it looks, kinda reminds me of the movie "Barbie and the secret door". Also the purple lineart for your character was so smart! It really ties her in to the world. ALSO your flower is soo pretty! Its so holographic and almost looks like ice. enjoy your sleep after the 4am post hehe

- grace

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05 abr 2022

Wowww Maynie this looks awesome! The details of the plants are definitely a lot, but not too overwhelming for people to take in. It's just the right amount. The glitters contribute to the magicalness as well, I really love it! You also did an amazing job in rendering the iridescent flower, I can not stop looking at the glow of the petals. The flower and the wall of flora are in their own element and are in no way competing for attention at all, which I think is a plus and makes your poster have a nice balance. Great job! - Valerie

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Catherine Maria Cahyaningtyas
Catherine Maria Cahyaningtyas
04 abr 2022

Hey maynie, this is catherine your idol, listen! i am in love with the poster, no joke! The colors you pick just suit everything greatly ! I love the flower music box, it is very nicely rendered and its so fluffy and cute I THINK IM GONNA DIEEEEEE, but yeah, love it! Really cant wait to see your final animation!

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