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  • Maynie Lee

Week 13: farewellll

Heyyy welcome to my final blog post, time fliess it felt like yesterday when I start posting my first blog! Hope that everything is going well for you guys!

Rendered background

eheheh these are all what I have now for background render, I still have 3 more to go AND I estimate to finish at least 2 more this week as I want to get my key-frames for my animation done first.


For animation wise, I finshed 3 scenes that does not have the full body of the character. I want to double check my character animation with Fanny first before I line and colour. I played safe this time round so I only have 2 scenes with dynamic animations ehehhe.

Good newsss!! I actually rendered frame by frame for this scene as there is no other way I can do it, time consuming but it is all worth it!!!!

The other scenes I animated is nothing much actually so I won't be putting it here kekek! So that's all for my last blogg! Thank you once again for commenting for the past 13/14 weeks! I love looking at everyones progress, they are all SOOO AMAZINGG!! I can't wait to see everyone's final work in LASALLE show!




Apr 13, 2022

Whoa! what a journey to keep up with your blog for the past 14 weeks. I'm amazed with all the hard work you have put on this. I love everything you did from the concept until now. No idea how you did it, it was not just the style of this project but also the design of this blog that dragged me here every week. All the best for you final Animation, and can't wait to see it in the Lasalle show. - Ezekiel


Apr 13, 2022

Ayo those rendered backgrounds are stunnninggggg! The color scheme and all of the details are on the point! That must have take you forever but it's worth it! The flower blooming animation is so good, I bet your final animation will be just as good~! All the best wishes to you! __Rara___


Apr 12, 2022

OMG Maynie the flower blooming scene is sooooooo smooth, and the background design really brings out that aesthetic choice that you made ! It's been a long journey so far and I'm so glad to see all of your achievements. All the best to the final ! _ Ann

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